And in the Basement of Vance, Rooms 003 and 004. Look at those great windows! And wall space…

And in the Basement of Vance, Rooms 003 and 004. Look at those great windows! And wall space…
Announcing a free workshop supported by the Artist Respond Grant Program with funding from the DECD, Connecticut Office of the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Jeanne will teach you what site design for art commerce entails even if you don’t consider yourself to be in the art commerce business:
• domain naming
• platforms and hosting
• design brief & business plan overview
• asset and file organization
• naming conventions
• planning / mapping
• set-up and integrations
• structure and navigation
• building out sections
• product & store setup
• implementing merchant processing
• third-party apps
• on-demand fabricators
• and more
The course carefully takes the student through each step using the Squarespace platform for web hosting and construction. Weekly 1-hour Zoom video classes run for 16 Thursdays, starting June 18 from 5–6 pm. Class time consists of lectures, demonstration, sharing, and q & a. Outside class time is for homework, browsing, readings, and viewing. Space is limited.
The fees for the Squarespace platform will depend on the services and capabilities desired. Your initial investment may range between $150–$350. Students will need the following:
• download and install Zoom
• have audio- and video-capable computers
• internet
• basic / average computer skills
• basic experience buying products from on-line sources with a variety of devices
Jeanne Criscola is a creative director who has built a number of Squarespace websites for clients like you: designers, craftsmen, artists, culture makers, writers, and businesses. Her expertise is based on thirty+ plus years of practice and learning through her design studio, Criscola Design. The studio’s commissions span a wide range of industries, scale, and duration, She has worked with individuals on the development of ideas, promotion, and commerce projects as well as the concept, construction, and production of multi-layered team-based campaigns for organizations. Her teaching skills have been honed over the same time of period instructing at many institutions of higher education in Connecticut with the past 5 years as a professor in the Design Department at Central Connecticut State University.